Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Review - Reparation (Legal Affairs, #5) by Sawyer Bennett

Mac told Matt she wanted more she needed more though Matt tried to deny it he wanted the same. Without the other the were miserable. Things at work was going great. The time that they spent together it was like a real couple. Mac finally met his son and instantly fell in love with the little. A shorter version of Matt. Along with meeting her son she finally met his Ex-wife. The reason why Matt had closed his heart off and was resolved to live his life on hook ups after hook ups. It broke my heart to see that all the work to open his heart back may be have been for nothing. I'm hoping that Mac can love him enough to keep from going back down that dark path because he has been a happier man since he let Mac into his life. I can't wait to see the future holds for them in the next installment. The seem like they are perfect for each other. I hope that Mac can love Matt enough despite the vindictiveness of his Ex wife.

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